High frequency reed switch products are used in switching high frequencies in a variety of RF applications such as computers and laptops, digital components in cellphones and phone systems, functional PCB test equipment, integrated circuit (IC) testers, digital component testers and asic testers, and more. A high frequency reed switch used in an RF reed relay is capable of switching and carrying RF up to 20 GHz, because the reed switch’s leads are composed of nickel/iron which has a relatively high permeability or µ (Mu).
The KSK-1A53 is high frequency reed switch with glass length of 20.5mm and diameter of 2.8mm. This high frequency reed switch has a rated power 10 W, Switching voltage 220 VDC, Switching current 1 Amp DC...
The KSK-1A54 is a high frequency reed switch with glass length of 53.4mm and diameter of 5.4mm. This high frequency reed switch has a rated power 25 W, Switching voltage 500 VDC, Switching current 1.5 Amp DC...