A circuit latching relay describes a relay that maintains its contact position after the control power have been removed. It allows the user to control a circuit by providing a single pulse to the relay control circuit.
60 Amp Latching PCB Relay
Latching Relay 60 Amp Switching Capacity Low Coil Consumption Ultra–Low Temperature Rise
50 Amp Latching PCB Relays
Energy Saving Latching Operation 5,000 Watt Lamp Load @ 50 A/240 VAC 5 HP @ 50 A/277 VAC Motor Load Max Inrush Current 200 Amp for 2 ms
200 Amp Latching PCB Relay
200 Amp Switching Capacity Latching Relay 150 ms Pulse Duration Ultra–Low Temperature Rise Low Contact Resistance
30, 40 or 50 Amp Latching PCB Relay
Energy Saving Latching Operation Most Popular Power PCB Relay 30, 40 or 50 Amp Switching Capacity Single Coil Latching
30, 40 or 50 Amp Latching Spade/PC Pins Relay