Carling Technologies' A-Series circuit breakers, well known in the industry for their proven reliability, small size and applied versatility, have been tested and meet the requirements of IEC60934. These hydraulic-magnetic breakers provide precise circuit protection over a wide range of operating ambient temperatures (-40° to +85° C).
As a result of meeting the requirements of IEC60934, Carling's A-Series breakers are CE marked. The CE marking symbolizes that the breakers meet related safety requirements mandated by the European Community. CE marking is often requested by many original equipment manufacturers that export their products into Europe. In addition to meeting the requirements of IEC60934, the A-Series is UL1077 recognized and CSA certified.
The CE marked A-Series are currently available with toggle actuators, and 1-3 pole configurations
Electrically, they are rated up to 50 Amps, 80 VDC / 250 VAC. For more details, refer to the standard A-Series catalog electrical specifications chart.
Product Availability: Samples and production quantities are immediately available.
Specify code "P" for agency approvals, in the standard A-Series catalog part number.