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Save Space with Single-Sided ASI Terminal Blocks

Pushbutton Switches and Pilot Lights

Pushbutton Switches and Pilot Lights

Pushbutton Switches and Pilot Lights

Pushbutton Switches and Pilot Lights

Most terminal blocks on the market are designed in the same manner, wire enters one side of the terminal block and you connect a wire to the opposite side of the terminal block. You see this design with every manufacturer, with screw clamp, spring clamp and other termination types.


This design does not always address the issue of how can you save space and materials inside the enclosure or on the panel. A typical design has wire duct on both sides of the terminal block assembly. The space that this takes up can be considerable and could possibly limit what you can mount on the panel or could even result in you buying a larger enclosure.


The new ASIUK5RETURN, single-sided terminal block uniquely eliminates the need for 2 columns of wire duct and allows you to mount the terminal block against the wall of the cabinet or back to back to save even more space. With a UL rating of 30 to 10AWG, 30 amps at 300 volts this unique space saving terminal block can be used in just about any application. The terminal block can be labeled on both the upper and lower level to simplify wiring and you can jumper to adjacent terminal blocks.


The next time you are looking to save space or mount additional components in your panel or equipment, think inside the box and use a "different" style of terminal block. The answer is not always smaller, thinner or multiple level terminal blocks when you need to save space.