The Amperite Stop-Alert automotive lamp pulsator is a 100% solid state device that is connected in series with one or more automotive lamps. It controls current to the lamps to produce a moderate "pulsating" or "glimmering" effect of the lamp illumination for increased awareness and safety. The standard 300 pulse per minute, 85% duty cycle yields a substantial increase in visual effectiveness (when compared to constant illumination) without the distraction level generated by common flashers. The Amperite Stop-AlertTM is ideal for many automotive uses such as certain headlight/taillight, stoplight, and backup light applications. It can also be used to enhance lamp illumination on all emergency or police vehicles. The Stop-AlertTM is exceptionally small and easy to install. The 2 terminal unit is connected in series with the power line that feeds one or more lamps. No additional wires or connections are necessary. One pulsator can conservatively drive two standard #1156 or #1157 automotive lamps, or one headlamp.