For appliance, energy management, motor control, and lighting applications, 15- to 20-A AZ7555 power relays consume one-sixth the energy of conventional 5-mm-pin, general-purpose relays while costing 20 to 30% less than equivalent latching relays. The relays are available in standard, sensitive, and super-sensitive versions, and the super-sensitive version has a typical power consumption at pickup of 67.5 mW. They are priced under $1.00 each in 10,000-piece quantities.
For appliance, energy management, motor control, and lighting applications, 15- to 20-A AZ7555 power relays consume one-sixth the energy of conventional 5-mm-pin, general-purpose relays while costing 20 to 30% less than equivalent latching relays. The relays are available in standard, sensitive, and super-sensitive versions, and the super-sensitive version has a typical power consumption at pickup of 67.5 mW. They are priced under $1.00 each in 10,000-piece quantities.