SG-34F Series 40 - 80 Amp "Hockey Puck" Solid State Relay
Aliso Viejo, California - American Zettler Inc. introduces the latest series addition to our "Hockey Puck" style solid state relays. The SG-34F has models that can switch loads ranging from 40A to 80A, at voltages up to 530 Vac. The SG-34F has model options of AC or DC inputs, and zero-cross or random-phase turn on. Features include built-in snubbers, optional LED indicators and a 1200 Vpk blocking capability. The SG-34F has a minimum off-state (dv/dt) capability of at least 500 V/µs, thanks to the superior back-to-back SCR output circuitry. Additional features include: high surge capacity and a 4000 Vrms photo-isolation between input and output. The SG-34F Series is manufactured in our ISO9001 factory for optimum performance and reliability.