Low-voltage, shockproof circuit breakers
A modern ship’s operational ability is fully dependent on its onboard electrical infrastructure. Over the years, the growth in the number of electrically powered subsystems on a typical naval vessel has made this infrastructure ever more complex and extensive, and has led to a steady increase in power requirements.
Since the 1950s, ABB has been manufacturing circuit breakers with special features not available on the same series of equipment destined for general use. Based on this long experience, ABB is proud to offer a new family of circuit breakers for naval applications.
The circuit breakers of ML series.
The low-voltage electrical distribution plants inside the modern ship are driven by these following growing need:
SACE ML circuit breakers effectively and simply control naval electrical installations with the highest availability and continuity of service. ML series features enhancements to the standard circuit breaker that guarantees operation under stressful conditions: